Sunsetting iPadOnly setup
Welcome to No Office, a podcast about work, technology and life from a remote company perspective. In Nozbe, we believe that work is not a place to go. It is a thing that you do. That is why since 2007 we run our company 100% remotely in Nozbe. There is no Office. The no Office podcast is consorted by Nozbe Teams, a todo app that helps modern teams do great things. Go to to learn more.
Hello. And welcome to episode no. 30 of Our No Office, a podcast about work, technology and life from a remote company perspective. My name is Rafal Sobolewski, and as always, I'm joined by our CEO, Michael Sliwinski. So, Michael, you're back to the show. Hello. How are you?
Hey, man, I'm back and I'm blue.
So, yeah, I'm here and I'm happy to see you again. And let's do this. I hear that today we are going to be fighting a lot.
Well, we'll see. Yeah, that's interesting episode ahead of us. First things first. So let's discuss what we have been up to recently and what news we have for Nozbe Teams users. Yeah, because we shipped, finally, multiple teams. Do you want to tell us more about that feature, Michael?
Oh, yes. So this is something that we haven't been able to tackle already, like not in Nozbe Personal many people wanted to have a clear separation from work and from private tasks. And there were workarounds for this. And with nozbe teams, we thought this is the perfect place to really separate the business team and the personal family team, which in my case, it's a five person team because I have three daughters. So in Nozbe we shiped several teams, so you can be part of many teams and then manage tasks and projects there.
And there is a clear separation. There is no way to move a project from one team to another, move a task from one team to another. They are contained in their teams. So it's a clear separation between business and family life and between businesses. Yes, because we also had lots of inquiries from serial entrepreneurs who run several businesses, and they wanted to be able to manage them all in one app. And now they can do that. They can have one company using one team and then another team and just be part of it.
So the only rule that we did is that you can be an owner of one free team, but then you can be part of any number of teams, and they can be premium or free whatever. And then this means that it's very easy right now for everyone to have an additional free team. Like, if you're a part of a business of a premium team and you want to have your personal tasks in the same app, you just create your own free team and you start using the and then you have five projects and you can just start putting your personal tasks there.
And I think the free plan, the free tier that we have of five projects and five people is generous enough that really you can manage a household with this.
Yeah. For sure. This is really good. I've already created my personal team for my personal stuff and moving the stuff from personal there. And yeah, we recently published a blog post about it on our blog. And on November 29 we will show how it works in practice during our product block. So be sure to check out our product lock website. There will be stream set up there on November 29.
Yeah. Exactly. So November 29 to those who know it's Cyber Monday. So it's a special day. It's going to be special for NASB as well. So stay tuned. And on that day we decided to do a product slack to really showcase these features, showcase the multi personal team and also additional plans for yes.
Because we also shipped additional plans for team of one and team of two.
Exactly. So if somebody just wants to create their own team of one of personal stuff and they have so many things, they need unlimited projects, they can go premium with just one person. Or for example, partners or husband and wife. They can do a team of two. It's all there. We've been listening to the customers. We've been listening to feedback from people using USB teams and using USB personal before they told us what they wanted. And we do also like this.
Yeah. So that's what we have been up to recently in OSB teams, and I wanted to share some stuff. I finally managed to have a really good mighty Friday. So yeah, I managed to create some shortcuts because finally, shortcuts are on the macOS as well. So it kind of makes more sense to use it more because no matter what device I use, I will be able to execute them both on iphone, ipad or on the Mac. And for the recent two weeks I've been traveling and working only from my ipad, which is the main topic of this episode, but we will get to it a little bit later.
So on my side here, I played around with some new actions in shortcuts, introducing iOS iPadOS 15, especially to play with files and folders.
Because there are some new and I actually moved my whole accountant archive from Dropbox to iCloud because with those shortcuts, I can manage it better with files and folders of all the invoices and other stuff. I improved my shortcut to archived invoices, so it's like actually it creates proper folder in Icloud drive based on the date, based on the year and month archive the invoice in pdf and then sends it to the accounting service I use. So there is that and I don't need to create those folders manually anymore.
So that's the improvement. And second shortcut I built: I played with those actions that now in iPadOS 15, you can have a shortcut to run apps in split screen apps and also slide over. So: multitasking. So: I improved the shortcut to open our Zoom meetings. So actually you can open in split screen on ipad, on the one side Zoom meeting, preferably on the left side, because on the left side you have the camera when you have ipad in Port horizontal mode with the keyboard and on the right side, I open the Nozbe Teams app in the proper project or task where I have the meetings notes.
And additionally, you can open Slack in slide over when sometimes you need to call someone who is late for the meeting. So that's the trick. And you can actually with manipulating the URL Zoom URL to open because we use password protection for our meetings. You can actually hard code this password into the shortcut, so you no longer have to type it. So that's really nice and actually StreamYard the platform we are recording this very podcast in video format, made some updates and they introduced keyboard shortcuts, too.
So now it's much easier to switch between layouts, so I can't wait to build more shortcuts and some Apple script maybe to really manage stream on StreamYard and maybe hook it up to this fancy keyboard that we had from Leon.
Yeah. So that's my plan for future Mighty Fridays, and I will report back how it went. How was your Mighty Fridays recently.
Yeah. So I was doing some coding on my website. I have my personal blog at and I was just playing around with JavaScript and things, and it was just so much fun to be able to code again. Because people in Nozbe won't let me code because there are much better programmers than me. But I still like it. I still like doing that. So it's so much fun that I have my own platform to code and I can do my own small projects and I can learn the modern JavaScript, which is completely different than from back in the day when I started Nozbe.
So it's fun. It's fun to kind of refresh these connections in the brain that suddenly you have to make loops or things. You have to find something and then make sure that it's there all that stuff. It's the joy of programming. I really like it. So I did that. And also what I did is I refactored my home office again to really make it really better and now live. I don't have a link for you. But when this episode ships tomorrow, I think I'm going to already have it on my blog at
And you will be able to see my home office for the next year, for the future.
Yeah. I think we will have a dedicated episode in January or February to our no office set up for 2022.
Yes, but on my blog, you'll already be able to see the photos and what happened because the followers of the show should know that I listened to your advice and kept buying stuff for my home office. So I have a dedicated lamp in front of my face, a dedicated lamp on the side because this is how you properly do lights. And then I have the teleprompter. I have the additional monitor in the teleprompter, so this way I can see I can look at your face. I can look in your eyes.
I envy you this this teleprompter because I cannot look into your eyes. It's hard for me to focus when I want to look into your eyes like I'm doing right now, because there's nothing there, there's camera. Teleprompter would be very cool. And actually, because you used to use this teleprompter with your iPad and the third party app that works like Sidecar because your IAG doesn't support Sidecar, and it was pretty heavy task for your CPU. That was the reason why sometimes your audio on the stream was slightly worse quality.
So yeah. And you have just bought full HD.
Yeah. Small monitor. It's a ten inch small monitor, full HD, and it's okay. It works much better. There is no lag because there was also a lag because of the wireless connections (WiFi streaming). Yes. So it was like a stream of a stream. So it was really lagging, and now it doesn't lag. So it's really good. And I really like it. So I bought this and I bought the camera, which is behind the teleprompter again, because I did have a good camera, but it wasn't good enough because it didn't support all the things that we wanted.
And I bought a new stand up desk because I wanted to have a stand up desk with memory support. So that this way when I want to lower the desk, I can lower the exact specs that I prefer and set up earlier. And I have this memory set for standing up, for sitting. And it's glorious. It's very nice after six years with my Ikea stand up desk, it's good that I changed for something better. So yeah, I did this. And apart from that business as usual, preparing Nozbe for the new enhancements, preparing NorseBut for Black Friday.
So stay tuned. And I like working in my home office. I just really like and I really have fun renovating my home office every year. So I'm not sure if next year I'm going to renovate anything because this looks really sweet. But then again, I said the same thing about last year's office, so we never know. But yeah.
Actually, we always know one year is a maximum time without no changes, no significant changes.
But I think I've taken the biggest leap yet. I don't have it now, but I also reinstalled my green screen so I can use a green screen if I want to. I don't want to use green screen for this recording, but I might want to use it in the future for some webinars or some other things. Yeah. I think it's one of the most significant changes in my home office, like the desk is in a different place because of the podcast that we did when I learned that you should have the window on your side, not in your face.
So with all that that I learned from you and our guests on this podcast, you all made me spend lots of money. But on the other hand, I'm really happy with the result.
Yeah. And I've spent some money as well. Recently. We will get to that. And I can't wait to make changes in my home office, but not all of the equipment are here yet. I need to wait to be delivered. But yeah, maybe let's jump to this elephant in the loom sun setting. Ipad only set up after sponsor break.
Maybe we have a cliffhanger for everyone.
Let's take a break now. So No Office podcast is sponsored by Nozbe teams to the app that helps small teams do great things. Let's hear what does the customers say about the product?
Once I started using Nozbe that's when we started to really think beyond like a freelance mindset to more of a team mindset. And the beauty of it is that we can have a remote team. So we can hire people based on their credentials or based on relationships that we had, people that we knew would be really good and didn't have to hire based on location and somebody that's within a mile radius, something close to where we were. And also Nozbe is very intuitive and easy for a team to use.
So as we add new people, whether it's a contractor or an employee to the team, we can get them set up with noisy and within really an hour they can see projects and pass that are assigned to them and start working. So most of our teams really taking those pretty easily.
Okay. And we are happy. And remember, if you sign up for Nozbe Teams from website, you can get three months for free when you are ready to upgrade to Premium and buy the account for the one year. So yeah, let's jump to the Creme de la creme. iPadonly sunsetting, as I called this episode. Yes. So I worked for six days, just fully ipad only on mobile Internet because I was on the countryside visiting my family house. And during those six days I recorded the podcast with Emilia. The previous episode. You had vacation back then. I had some meetings. I gave a lot of feedback in Nozbe Teams tasks. I did some deep work. I worked on some Paper documents, and I've also been on the backstage of our Polish podcast to help Magda.
Yeah. Pretty usual set of tasks for me and how I approach it. I tested different setup because I have ipad Pro 11'' from 2018 with magic keyboard, but I don't like working like this for 8 hours straight because it's not good for my neck. The ipad in Magic keyboard setup is not on the eye level and you really need to look down for the whole day. That is why I took with me this kind of ipad stand and external mouse and keyboard. And I want to see how I like this thing.
And actually I must say at the beginning I really like the setup. The ipad size like eleven inch didn't bother me because I could really have it really close to my eyes. So it was fine. I didn't have an external trackpad, so I use this Loggy Mixmaster free, which was fine unless I didn't have to scroll a long task, for example, in Nosbitims or just a long document because like scrolling on ipad OS with mouse is kind of wonky because if I for example, wanted to scroll to the bottom or to the top of the document and I do it very quickly, then there is this bounce scroll effect on iOS and iPadOS.
So there's some white space always like 400 pixels height at the top and at the bottom. And I don't know why, but with trackpad this white space is much bigger and it stays there for two or 3 seconds. So actually when I Scroll to top very quickly, I have two 3 seconds that I couldn't do anything. It doesn't happen with truck, but it happens only with mouse.
Okay, because with Truck, I don't have this.
It's fine. It works really great. So yeah, and I mostly worked like this for the whole day. Sometimes I took the iPad with Magic keyboard attached and worked on the kitchen table, but it was like for 1 hour and sometimes I took naked iPad and do some things on the couch or in the chair. And actually it's a really good set up when you for example, shielding the keyboard software keyboard, you can really use swipe to fast type stuff on this keyboard and it works great as long as you use English or Spanish as your language, because Polish language unfortunately doesn't have active prediction. And then it gets too complicated. Yeah, but using this naked iPad on the couch or in the car, actually, I noticed that my wrist started to hurt a little bit and I needed to change position like rest it on the knee or something. So actually, even though it's pretty light device for the screen size it has, it's still not there for ergonomics, I would say. But the two main things that happened during those six days working on ipad only that I don't want to repeat. First was working with external keyboard with some apps.
For example, Dropbox paper. There was many times I wanted to add a comment to the document with the keyboard attached to the iPad and I tapped on the comment icon and the input wasn't active and it was below the screen. I couldn't reach it even if I scrolled. So I was constantly switching between Dropbox Paper app and Dropbox paper website. Yeah, because on iPad you can use it on the website and it works pretty good. But I still had some problems with activating comment input, so it was really bad.
And as you can see on the screen here, even this keyboard active prediction bar is in the portrait orientation when the ipad is in the landscape. Yeah, it's really bad. I guess sometimes it's the fault of iPad OS, and sometimes it's the fault of the app itself.
Yeah. I mean, Dropbox paper app is not the best iPad app.
It's really good on iPhone.
Yes, it's really good on the iPhone, but on the iPad I feel it's really not well done. And I do use it on my iPad, but yeah, it's not really best experience ever.
Yeah. And second big, even bigger I would say flow of this set up was podcast recording. So I was recording this episode number 29 of no Office podcast with Emilia and I took my microphone with me and I connected it to the iPhoneo to record audio locally and I used ipad internal microphone for StreamYard, and it was fine, but local recording… I was wondering what app should I use? Should I use Fair Air recording or it's proper Shure app (Shure is the company that produced this microphone and it has dedicated app for this.)
And I went with Ferrite Recording Studio, which is my beloved app to edit podcast. And I've also used it to record it like that, like two years ago with my previous Polish podcast Bo Czemu Nie. Yeah. And after ten minutes of recording, think my iPhone booted itself… I saw Apple logo on it so you can probably see it on video of previous episode, but my eyes was terrified about ten minutes of recording time, and then I had to manually type the password on the iphone on the tripod and the long alphanumeric password because it booted itself.
So site ID wasn't working. I opened sure app, and after that it worked. I don't know what happened back then, but it wasn't very pleasant experience. So that was it in the future. I will not have this problem because I finally ordered MacBook Pro as we talked two episodes ago, so it will arrive at the beginning of December. Hopefully. So I will have it in three weeks. I decided that my iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard can be sold because I would have a proper MacBook, so I don't need a second device, which is the same form factor, which is ipad Pro with the keyboard.
Yes, that's my story. But Michael, do you think I can live without any iPad at all?
I wouldn't know how to live without my iPad.
So you bought the iPad Mini?
Yes, I bought the Mini.
Okay. All right. So you bought the ipad mini?
Yeah. Okay. So I will tell you about my reasoning there and how I plan to use it, but maybe let's switch active speaker right now, and maybe Michael, tell me about your experience of using the big iPad Pro 13'', because you;ve used it like for three months now.
Yes. First of all, the experiences you mentioned, like the fact that something went wrong and it can go wrong any time on any device. So we're recording the podcast with radio many times on the iphone and never had an issue of iphone rebooting itself while recording the podcast. Actually, the audio was always flawless. I was using the Rod portable microphone attached to the iphone and the Roda app to record it, and it was perfect. So in that sense, there was no problem. I can see that it's kind of challenging in some ways to have the ipad as the main device.
But it was a funny feeling when Apple unleashed the MacBook Pros and they presented the MacBook Pros, and when I was on vacation to be in the Apple store to actually touch them and play with them and play on them. They are all I could ever want from a laptop. Like they have everything that I would want to have. Like, all these connections, the fast processor, the beautiful screen, everything. And the 14 inch MacBook Pro looks fantastic, and it's really nice. But I was not tempted at all to order it or to think about ordering it, even to entertain a thought of using a MacBook Pro because I'm so happy with my 13 inch iPad Pro.
The switch to the bigger ipad was great. I love the white Magic keyboard. I love it. The white Magic keyboard. It was also a good choice so far, so good. And it's still white, which is surprising. It's really clean, it's really white, so it's great. And I'm more afraid it's going to turn yellow, for example, in the year, like because of sun and all that other exposure, and because I use it a lot when I'm outside. But apart from that, the iPad is just fantastic.
It's just a joy to use, and it's not as heavy as I feared so very often because it has magic keyboard. I just take it out and just use it without the keyboard and especially in bed when I'm reading something. Or just actually, when I'm reviewing documents, I also use just the pencil. And very often - speaking of comments, I add comments using the Apple pencil and the new extracognition of pencil.
Have you tried the Swipe keyboard?
Yeah. I've tried the Swipe keyboard as well.
Is it faster for you to swipe?
It's more joy.
It's more joy.
Yes. It brings me more joy to write with the pencil than swiping. I use Swipe on my iphone a lot. Overall, now, after three months, it doesn't feel heavy at all. I just got used to the size and the weight and everything, but I think the difference wasn't as much like feel-wise that it didn't make much difference. And really yes, I love the big screen. I just love it. And still the fact that I can touch the screen, I can use the touch gestures on the screen.
That's something I will be missing on the MacBook Pro, so for my use cases for my usage, I still love using the ipad Pro as my main device. I did also improve on the shortcuts because finally in iOS 15.1, the shortcuts are getting better and are more stable again, which is good. So I've been using shortcuts a lot as well. And yeah, every time I use this device I'm just smiling.
It just sparks joy.
Oh yes, it does spark joy, and we talked about it that maybe I should change my iMac to the iMac M1, or maybe I will wait for the iMac pro. I don't know yet, but I'm not rushing to change it now with this fact that I improved the situation that here in the teleprompter there is a monitor instead of additional ipad. It works pretty good, and the Imac does the job, which is basically big canvas of things I can display while I'm doing my actually work on the ipad and also recording station for the interviews for podcasts for all that stuff, it's just permanent to hear it's set up.
I can use it anytime and I can be almost instantly on the conference call or interview and look beautiful. So the Imac just stays here and it doesn't have the Monterey because it's so old. But as you said for you, it's important that the shortcuts migrate from one device to another. For me, it's also important that my shortcuts migrate from ipad to iphone.
But I think if you had them at the Mac you would make use of it.
Yeah, I'm sure I would, but I really don't need to, because really Mac is just for me a big canvas and podcast video-recording session thing. So yeah, that's why. And what I do like with the big screen, of course, is the fact you mentioned to be on a Zoom call and have a split screen. I'm really happy that it works because I actually like to be on a meeting like somewhere else. Then I have the zone call on one half and then the paper documents, for example, or the Nozbe Teams app as the second half.
And it's a good thing. And I will take your advice and create just a fixed shortcut for that. So this way it's just automatically set up and I don't have to think about it.
And actually the shortcut could look into the calendar and based on what day/what time it is - launch a proper meeting.
You see, when you build a shortcut, you can improve it. Iterate on it.
Yes. Tell me about it. I mentioned my website, Michael.Team, all of the posts and all of the blog posts, and all of that stuff is just generated from shortcuts, from templates and shortcuts. And I've been iterating on it a lot. Basically, I'm really happy with my iPad Pro, and I have no temptation to go the MacBook Pro route anytime soon, and I can wait for the new iMac to show up next year and then maybe I'll upgrade it. But so far, so good.
Yeah. Okay. So my thinking was I agree, like, for you, it doesn't make sense to change your iPad Pro to MacBook Pro. For me, I was really tempted. And actually, I remember we spoke about it on the spot like one year ago, but that was always my plan. I was waiting for those MacBooks Pro.
And actually with the introduction with MacBook Pro, if I'm one Pro and with Mac OS Monterey, if I compare pros and cons of using MacBook Pro or iPad Pro as my main mobile computer, now, the advantage that iPad has for me now MacBook has a little advantage, because now MacBook has this awesome battery life, awesome screen, awesome performance. And with MacOS Monterey, it has shortcuts. Yeah. But as you mentioned, like, ipad has touch and it's just joy to use.
Ipad, has touch, and iPad has a cellular connection, 5G - I am on the line all the time.
That is true. I thought, hah, maybe I should get an iPad mini because apparently everyone who uses it is just amazed by this device. How much it can do everything. And how much does it spark joy, actually, and how great it is to use it with a touch because it's definitely too small to use it with external keyboard. Of course you can, but yeah, the keyboard would be bigger than the device itself, so it's a bulk set up to travel with.
I still have an external Logitech keyboard for the first generation, 2nd 1st generation. I remember I saw you using it ipad mini and this is a very tiny keyboard.
Actually, I think I watched every review and read every review. Okay. Maybe not every because there are thousands of them.
But every review of good YouTubers and good reviewers on the internet to make sure I'm making a good decision, because when I go back in time and I think about how I always predict, how would I use the new device? I am never 100% right about it, but I'm always pretty close.
So I have a confidence that I made a good decision. Yeah. And as I said, Touch is a big advantage of the ipad and the ipad mini form factor - based on those reviews and based on your friend's Augusto opinion - it's the best form factor for touch and pencil, because you can really comfortably use it in many places, in many setups, in many circumstances. And I really liked using that in that way my ipad Pro eleven inch the only thing that bothered me was the weight because my wrist started to hurt and I needed to change position, like after five minutes and yeah, the size a little bit size as well.
So it seems that Mini would be better for this and even spark more joy of touching the screen. And all the reviews are actually agreeing with that. Okay.
But did you keep the pencil?
Yes, of course. I'm keeping the pencil and I already ordered a paper light, okay. Yeah. Because I wanted to use it for my deep work for shaping up features.
Okay. Perfect.
Go to the couch back there. And with the ipad and pencil and just shape up, figure out all the stuff that users could have do with its proper Nozbe Teams feature. Yeah. And it has a great camera with flash, so it's very good also for scanning documents. It has great microphone and center stage, and it's very light. So it's actually perfect device for FaceTime because it's bigger than iPhone, I think enough to have a very good view of the person you are talking to, and it's very easy to grab it and walk with this device to show something.
Yeah. I think the new ipad mini should be called ipad Mini Pro. Ipad Pro Mini because it's like an ipad Pro, but just mini.
Yeah. It just doesn't have a Pro CPU.
Yes. No, it has the A15.
Yeah, but it's not the same. A 15 as iphone. Ipad is a device that always have too much power than actually software on it.
Yeah. Actually on Gigbench. I think on the JavaScript test ipad mini is faster than the iphone 13, so it's really fast. This thing.
Yeah. And Moreover, I think no one in our team has this ipad mini, so it would be nice to test our app on it to make sure it works fine.
Not yet. But I think Radek is getting one as well.
Yeah, he was tempted to as well because he got iPad Air last year.
Yes. And he didn't like it much.
Yeah. And as a secondary display for my MacBook Pro and traveling either by using sidecar or universal control, it can be done like that. Apparently, ipad mini is awesome for gaming.
And we have Apple one Bot, so we have Apple Arcade.
So maybe that's something I need to spend more time on it to relax. And with ipad OS focus modes, I can easily switch between work mode and entertainment mode or games mode. So it's really cool. And speaking of cool, and it has colors.
Yes. Which color did you get?
What do you think?
Yes, of course. There you go. The only one proper.
I was really glad that purple was the color for ipad mini.
So just for people who didn't get the joke and nozbe teams was code named Project Purple in our company before we shipped it. So we have big affinity for purple color because of that.
Yeah. And what else? Of course, it will be very cool to edit videos and podcasts on it Ferrite and Lumafusion, but maybe I'm not sure how much the screen size would bother me in those areas, but I don't think that much because actually, resolution like points, not physical pixels, but points. It's almost the same as normal ipad. It's just all the things are smaller, but it fits almost the same amount of stuff.
Okay. Yeah. It's a very high density screen, so it's really cool.
And of course, reading is typical use case for this. And working with shortcuts. So actually, creating shortcuts with touch is much more superior than created with mouse and keyboard. And if I'm right and I will use this device, maybe even more than I used my ipad Pro, we will see. And now I think I'm starting to get inquire. Your friend Augusto is using ipad mini that much, and he wished that it has camera like iphone, because if it has, then I wouldn't need an iphone, actually, because it's that small that you can actually bring it everywhere.
Even it fits to many large pockets.
This is another Apple device, the new ipad mini that I look with kind of envy and with amazement. Let's say, just like the MacBook Pro, this is a device I would love to have, but I have no place for it in my life, but I would love to have it because it looks so cool and it feels so cool. So the same for MacBook pro. I would love to have it, but I will not use it really. And the same with this small ipad.
It's such a cool device, but no. Even my wife - she uses sometimes my old ipad 11 Pro, and she doesn't use it all that much because it's a little bit too big for her. So she would be a good candidate for the new ipad mini. But on the other hand, she really right now got back to reading stuff on Kindle, and she uses the Max size phone anyway for everything else. So for her, the Max size phone is like a tablet for the normal stuff. And then she uses the Kindle for reading, which is a much superior device for reading books than tablets.
So yeah, in the end. So these two devices don't have any place in my life, so I won't have them in my household.
So don't worry, I will have them. So I will not hesitate to tell you more about it once I start using it.
All right.
Yeah. So as you said, you don't have a place in your life to have it. And I'm making a place in my life doing because I'm selling my ipad Pro, and I will probably put on sel also my iMac once I configure my new MacBook Pro.
Will you get an additional screen?
I don't know. First I have to wait to see how the universal control feature of Monterey would work, because maybe I would just keep my Imac and use it the way you use it, actually, with your ipad 32 as additional canvas, because then I can open notes, mind maps, this kind of tasks that are not heavy CPU usage on the Imac with the same mouse and keyboard.
Yeah, because it also works for the Mac, so you can actually manipulate the iMac with that…
that's why you can kind of use it as an external display.
And I want to test it and then see if I'm right, that I can use it, because that's not theoretically internally. It should work. But I learned that with this kind of features, there are always some details that will be discovered only by real usage.
Yeah, but in theory, as you said, it's very cool because you would have something that Apple is missing right now. There is no Apple branded 5K external display. There is only 6K that costs 6 K. So not really. And there is just the ultra fine from LG. I think that there's a 5 K display. I'm not sure if it's still on sale. So with that, you would gain a 5K display for free. You're just keeping the old iMac, which is kind of a waste when you think about it.
The whole computer is being just used as a dumb screen.
But like buying a new even LG five K would be most expensive. Selling this Imac exactly the price I can get for it.
Exactly. You will sell it because it's an old Imac, so we would sell it for a lower price than you would actually have to spend for the new LG screen. So yeah, it's a good idea. Test it and we'll see how this goes.
Yeah. And I was thinking, Shall I sell my ipad Pro? Because it still feels like a brand new device after three years. And I realized, man, it's three years. It's okay to update. It's just hard because I will update my two main computers at the same time. But I figured out how to do it.
I had kind of the same logic behind it when I was changing similar logic when I was changing right now my desk from my height adjustable Ikea desk to the other height adjustable desk with memory. And I was like, this is kind of weird for one feature, for one small feature of having memory, I'm just changing the whole thing. Isn't that wasteful? But then I thought, Come on. I've used this desk for the last six years. I've used this desk a lot. I mean, it has done its job, and of course, it's still in very good condition.
It's fine. So actually, I put it for storage in our guest room. And in the future, I think maybe my daughter… because she's a teenager now, so she might use a height adjustable desk so she might use it and give it the second life. And for me, really, this feature of having the memory is really a killer feature. It's really good. I just press one button and it goes exactly to the height that they set it up for.
Tell me about it. Like I have the same Ikea desk. You just moved to the other room, but no, I will keep it for now.
No. But what I'm saying is that it's been here for six years, so I gave myself permission to change it.
You know, actually, when I checked the prices of ipad Pro from 2018 in Internet like used ipad Pro.
I could actually get some good money for it.
So again, it's not wasteful you're selling it to somebody else. So you will give it a second life anyway. And you've been using it for the last three years and you've been given it good usage. And when I think about this Imac I bought in 2015, also six years already. It's 2014 late 2014 model. But I bought it in 2015, and this my Mac has earned its dollars in the same time. I shuffled through so many ipads in the meantime and just kept this all the same old iMac.
Yeah. Because every year you update your ipad. Actually, you didn't update in 2019 because you bought the late 2018.
Yes. Exactly. I bought the 2018. And then I bought the 2020 ipad. And now my daughter has a 2020 ipad, and I have the 2021 ipad. So the only thing to wrap it up, the only thing that I am kind of envious from the MacBook Pro and from the new M one MacBooks is the battery life, because my ipad Pro doesn't have a great battery life, even though it's still the same M1. But I think because of the screen because this very glorious micro led screen, HDR screen, whatever.
Because ipad screen, it has pro-motion, but it's not adaptive or it is?
It is adaptive. Okay.
Yeah. It is adaptive pro-motion, and it has all these things. But I think because of the screen and because the battery is very thin because the thing is thin and because they haven't changed to a bigger thing.
Yeah. Magic keyboard also adds to the battery usage.
Exactly. So I think because of that. So this is the only thing that I would have loved to have gained more battery life instead of losing it a little bit. But that's the only drawback I can find of this new ipad. So it's fine.
Okay. Yeah, it's fine. Okay. I see we have one question from Michał Grzyb and he is asking if you are doing your blog JS coding on ipad as well.
All right. Of course I am of course, I think I have a blog post about it. I have to quickly check, but I think let me just do a quick check.
Yeah, we will link in the show notes.
Yes, we will link in the show notes, but if you go to just Michael Steam new where I explained my new blog post because I switched to this new blog post a year ago, you will see that. So I'm using textastic as my main code editor on the ipad. It's fantastic. Is fantastic. Yes, I use AI Writer as my main writer app for my blog posts. It's perfect. That's how I write all my content. And then I was working copy as a great application to use GitHub and to post things and to interact with things on GitHub, which is great because we use GitHub a lot at mostly, so I can interact with many of our representatives like this.
And then I use the web based JS Fiddle JavaScript environment where I can just write JavaScript code and execute it and test it and everything. And there is even a very cool browser called Inspect, which is kind of like a Safari with developer mode, so I can just tap on something and then I see the HTML, the CSS and all that stuff. So it's kind of a developer mode for the ipad. It's called Inspect or something like this, and it's very good. So really, I can code everything on the ipad.
Really. And it makes me joy. It brings me joy, joy, joy. Yes, it's slack of joy. So yes, I do all my coding on the ipad. Of course, the downside is that I don't have any local environment. I don't have a local server or anything like this on the ipad, but no, I'm just using external servers. So I just use GitHub and send it to this automatically because you are always connected, thanks to exactly. So automatically deploys whenever I send it and it works. And that's how I got on the ipad.
All right. So let's wrap up this episode. So, Michael, tell me what day is tomorrow.
It's mighty Friday. I mean, it's Friday. So it's a mighty Friday at not Be, and it means that what you should do on Friday.
First of all, you should do Friday night Friday, and to do so, you need to do your week review plan priorities for next week and then run or create something new. For example, maybe figure out some shortcuts that can help you with your day to day work or just learn how to use some cool new features in Nozbe Teams on our blog. That's it. That way you will have a great weekend. If you enjoy this episode, please feel free to support this podcast either by sharing it with a friend, leaving us a nice review in our podcast all by checking out our great app, Nozby Teams, so that's it for today.
Say goodbye, Michael.
Goodbye, everyone. And thanks for staying with us. And thanks for letting us geek out on this podcast, we will talk about more serious, no office issues in the next episode, but really our devices and our home offices are really important to us and we take the permission to gig out every now and then.
Exactly. This episode has not been created in the office because in USB there is no office. Your hosts were Michael Sliwinski and Lafor Sobolewski. All the links and show notes you can find on nooffice.FM/30. The whole production process of this episode is coordinated in a project in the Nozbe Teams app work is not a place to go. It is a thing that you do. Thank you and see you in two weeks. Remember to have a mighty Friday.
We should celebrate 30th Podcast Episode man, it's a big round number, right?
Yeah. We will celebrate 50 I guess.
Yeah. Thanks, everyone. All day long, you probably are going to work from home. Bye.
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