Product Camp and WWDC
Don't cram plenty people on Zoom fluorescent lighted office all day long.
You know, you probably are going to work from home.
Hello and welcome to No Office, a podcast about work technology and life from a remote
company perspective.
My name is Rafal Sobolewski and as always, I'm joined by CEO of our No Office company,
Nozomi, Michael Sliwinski.
Hello, Michael.
How are you today?
I'm good, good.
- Good, good.
Summer vibes, good weather, June and all that stuff
is a little bit impacting my work
because it's just so beautiful out there.
But on the other hand, it also helps me
when I get into the groove of deep work,
it just helps me to stay there
and just enjoy taking my iPad on a balcony
or somewhere else just to write there,
to have a nicer writing environment
and thinking environment.
- Yeah, yeah, I can relate to this
because currently I'm at the lake house.
- At the lake house.
- At the lake house, yes.
At the lake house and yeah,
I'm enjoying like the long evenings that it's like,
the sun is setting around 10 o'clock even.
- Wow.
- So the days are really long
and we spend those long evenings at the lake fishing,
enjoying the nature and yeah, that's really relaxing.
And during the day, I just walk
because I can thanks to know of his lifestyle.
- I mean, come on Rafał, please explain yourself.
Please explain to everyone how many hoops
you had to jump through to get a permission
from your boss to go to a lake house and to--
- Oh, my boss doesn't know.
- He doesn't know, like how can you do that?
Like you are cheating on your boss right now.
- No, no, he just doesn't care.
- Exactly.
- As long as tasks are done.
Exactly. But, you know, recently I just got the feedback from on one of my columns in
a magazine about how I'm criticizing Apple. We'll talk about Apple later in the show,
but how I'm criticizing Apple for their, you know, forcing people to go back to the office
and how nobody should complain about it. And I'm like, really, really, this is the angle.
Nobody should complain about it. Like, you know, we have been called many names as Nozbe.
we have been called a very strange company, different company, you know, not a normal
company, because, you know, in normal companies, people go to the office and normal companies,
people work nine to five. But in Nozbe is not a normal company. So as a not normal company,
we let you choose when and where you work from, you know, like, you don't, you didn't
have to apply for a permission to go to your parents' lake house. You didn't have to apply
for a permission to work flexibly. And even when we had our individual meeting, you dared
to, instead of sitting by the desk, just walk around. And I actually did the same thing.
Exactly. So we were on a walk together in two different parts of the world while having
an individual conversation, which was actually a business talk, right?
Yeah, that's true and I really enjoy this because walking is a very nice exercise and you just receive more oxygen to your brain
and you have better ideas, better understanding and better connection with the person on the other side.
Thanks to this, I'm starting to consider that I should have all the meetings this way
because I'm not tempted to check Twitter or something during the meeting when something
is like, for example, I have some meetings during the week and often you say the same
stuff on marketing begin, which I already heard on directors meeting. You tell the same
story. Yeah. So at that time I've often find myself browsing Twitter or something because
Because I already knew the story.
And walking outside would prevent it.
I would like to defend myself that I'm not that boring.
But because apart from you, there is a completely different audience on the marketing meeting
and the directors meeting.
Yes, yes, I know.
And you are the only overlap.
I do tend to repeat some stories because some stories are important for our marketing.
And we have discussed them more deeply usually on Monday and then on Tuesday when I refer
to them, you know, for you, it might be a bit boring. That's true.
Yeah. Plus, it's often stories like from your private life. So and we, as we don't have an
office like it's it's the only opportunity we can share them with with our colleagues. So I don't
don't hesitate that we spent like 15 or 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting to share those
stories. I mean, anyway, our regular meetings like the directors meeting and marketing meeting
are usually for just having a coffee together and discussing some things. And we tend to discuss,
you know, I would say 50/50, like 50/50 personal stuff and business stuff, because the rest is in
tasks anyway. So, Rafał, not only did I allow you, without actually asking for permission,
to work from anywhere you want, I also allowed you, without asking for permission, to go to a
to a conference, to a physical conference where people go to, right?
Yeah, like it was, I went to the product camp conference. It's the biggest product conference
in central Europe, I guess. And it was awesome experience. I really miss that because on
the last conference I was in Hamburg in 2019. So it's three years ago and I was worried,
How am I going to react? Will I have an energy to meet new people, to talk to strangers, etc.
But maybe it was a problem for first 30 minutes or so. And then just I needed to take notes
for all the people I met because I couldn't remember all the names, etc. So yeah, I had
I had a really great experience and wanted to share some thoughts on it because I finally
started using my LinkedIn account again because apparently most people during these conferences
like using LinkedIn to connect with each other.
Yeah, I mean, they don't use business cards anymore, right?
Like the idea of a business card is completely gone.
There was no one with business cards.
of people are connected with LinkedIn and some of them on Instagram. And the pro tip
is to have this LinkedIn here, this feature that you can scan QR code of your profile.
So it's nice to have it ready when you talk to someone.
How do you mean? What kind of QR code?
QR code to connect with in the LinkedIn app. You can, instead of searching with your name
and surname which often is difficult because many people in Poland have this very common
names and surnames.
Yeah, I should know.
So yeah, you just show the QR code of your profile and others scan it with their smartphone
and they already have the button to connect.
So all right.
That's cool.
Can you make it also a wallet thingy?
I mean, I don't know.
I haven't optimized it.
Oh, I'll try it.
I'll try it.
Okay, so that's the new business cards.
Like you connect via LinkedIn.
And this has been also my experience
on the last places I met people physically
in normal space that you would actually
exchange LinkedIn contacts and not anything else.
And which I find very cool that this is really ecological.
You don't need to print business cards
which I have still a pile of business cards
which are with our old logos and everything.
So they're completely useless for me right now.
So yeah, not a good idea, not a good use of paper and money.
So, all right.
So you went to a, you know, physical conference
and before we start, I would like to give shout out
to Maciej Seganowski, the organizer of ProductCamp
and he's a dear friend,
but you went there just as a normal, you know, attendee.
So, tell me, how was the experience?
'Cause before you were a speaker as well,
but on individual version.
- I signed up for 2020 edition, so two years ago
And then pandemic started and yeah, they canceled it.
And like, they just actually moved it to online.
And I even became a speaker at this back home thing they have.
I will talk about it later.
And I was an online speaker, but you know,
online they did what they could, but really like,
I haven't met anyone during this conference online.
I just watched some keynotes and that's it.
And here, like I met plenty of people.
I did some live demos of Nozbe, which was very cool,
and I really enjoy it.
And most of people were Polish,
but I had some opportunities to talk with
to Ukrainian people in English.
And I think that this podcast made a good job
because I didn't feel overwhelmed by talking English.
- Oh, that's good.
- Like I had, and I had experience of being overwhelmed
talking English in three years ago in Hamburg.
What was really nice and I enjoyed showing Nozbe to people because like 50% of people
around that I talked to actually knew Nozbe, but knew Nozbe as a personal to-do app for
getting things done, not as a team collaboration app.
So we have to do a better job here.
Of course we have.
I mean, you know, we've made this kind of pivot silently that we are right now foremost
to the team collaboration app, but also a personal to-do app.
So we are both, but with the team communication,
team collaboration as the main thing.
And after so many years of being the personal to-do app
or a GTD app even, it takes a while
to change people's perspective and people's attention.
So great that you started on this road.
- Another project is to have, for example,
I had this t-shirt with a Ukrainian flag and FCK PTN.
- Yes.
- Yeah, so that was a great conversation starter
with many Ukrainian people started talking to me
because of that.
So that was nice.
Yeah, I had a Nozbe hoodie.
That was also like two or three times conversation starter
and our backpack because there were two other people
that having the same backpack, of course,
without our Nozbe logo, but the same exact model.
So yeah, that was nice as well to have the same accessory.
Yeah, it is very popular.
I mean, this is actually a good pro tip that when you go to a conference, physical conference, it's good to stand out.
You don't have to color your hair in a different color like you can, but you don't have to.
But what you can do is, you know, shirts.
For example, I had this shirt for a conference, like I had it done also for other people that have my name Michael and number one.
And also, so it was also a good conversation starter because people, people could see it
says Michael. So they assumed that my name is Michael. So they already knew my name,
you know, so it's, it's also a good, a good tip. And, and here, like, you know, your t-shirt
related to the war in Ukraine is, is a great idea because it also stands out and people love this
shirt and they, you know, I've, I've been asked several times on Twitter, where can they get the
the shirt. Yeah, that's true. And because now that all the tickets are digital, and
we didn't even get some badges with our names. So, yeah, we only got this braces on our wrist
to prove that we are attendees. And so it was hard sometimes when you are in the group
and yeah, you just meet people and hi, hi, I'm Rafal, I'm like John, Fedelico, et cetera.
And you cannot remember all the names in this.
- Yes.
- But then that's why the QR code with LinkedIn is better
because you don't, okay, so let's connect with LinkedIn.
Okay, but what was your name?
One second.
You don't have to do this.
You just show the QR code.
- There you go, Rafal.
There is an idea for a shirt for our next reunion.
We have to get people's QR codes on LinkedIn
and put them on the individual shirts.
So people have, "Hi, my name is Michael."
QR code from Leighton and then you know people can scan your chest like this.
Yeah or even with their seat back.
That would be even even even better but but I think and I'm not I'm not sure how how well
the the you know the the print would have to be on the shirts for the QR codes to function.
Yes yes that's that's the good point.
We could try it out though.
Yeah so let's go to the product complex here with a bigger team and.
- Let's see.
Yeah, I mean, I kind of promised Maciek
that I will participate soon in the product camp.
So maybe next year would be a good year
that I could plan it ahead and really go there
because I was at product camp many years ago
and I really enjoyed the conference.
So yeah, it would be good to go.
- Yeah, me too.
Like I think I enjoy it more than Hamburg one
that was from Mind the Product,
which is because this product camp is historically,
it's the conference more for product designers,
not for product managers, but now it's mixed.
And I found more tips, more knowledge, more experience,
more ideas related to my work here
than three years ago in Hamburg.
So that was really cool.
And yeah, the structure of the conference was that
there were like at the beginning,
there was two days, were two days of conference.
Like we started with a keynote,
And then there was like bar camp presentations and we ended the day with another keynote.
And bar camp presentation, you could just choose the free slot because there were like
five different rooms and time slots so you can give a presentation there.
So it's a very nice, it has its advantages and disadvantages because it's a nice, it's
It's a low barrier of entry for you to practice presenting some topic in front of people in
the conference.
So the quality of those talks are very different, but still people can practice it.
But the keynote, opening keynote, closing keynote for the day are well, very inspiring.
Funny thing, which I noticed that all the keynote speakers had MacBooks and most of
back home speakers had Windows laptops.
And so I haven't seen any bad quality talk
from the person who had MacBook.
So that's funny.
- So it means that to become a keynote speaker,
you need to qualify and get a laptop from Apple.
- Yes.
That's true.
So anyway, yeah, the keynote speakers were like designer
from GitHub, the product leader from Blinkist,
strategy and operation manager from IKEA
and strategic designer consultant.
And yeah, the keynotes were very cool.
I had plenty of notes and inspiration for there.
I have like 10 books recommendation to read.
And it was very cool that after the keynote,
I was able to talk to two keynote speakers
and actually have a dinner with one after the conference.
So really we exchanged many ideas,
not only about product management,
also about some politics, et cetera.
So that was very interesting and refreshing to really meet so many people in the short time.
And I really worried that I will feel exhausted after all.
But after the two days of conference, I went to the evening walk to the sea in Gdynia.
Yeah, and I just wanted to talk to more people and ask them where they came from.
Hi, I'm Rafa. Where do you come from?
Yeah. So, yeah, the conclusion is here,
but maybe I'm not an introvert anymore.
Oh, no, no, no.
You never were.
So I don't know where you got this idea from.
I think you and I, we are this kind of extroverts
who love people and love hanging out with people,
but we also cherish our alone time to work.
So I think we can alter between these two realities.
For example, now I had lots of people from the family
here over because of my daughter's communion and I was still working. And I remember how annoyed I
was when, you know, when people would interrupt me when I was working in the middle of something. So
I do appreciate having my confinement, my deep work session with no interruptions. I do love it,
but I also love hanging out with people. So I think this is who we are. Like, we are more
extroverts than introverts, but we still have this kind of, you know, and I think it's more
because we work from home. So we learned these habits of being able to shut everything down and
just focus on the task and enjoy the silence around us. But then we do feed off people's energy.
>> Yeah, that's true. I can totally tell that. That's my case as well. All right, so moving on.
I had a really nice experience with my tech setup for this conference because I used like,
I had my MacBook with me to India, but I haven't taken it with me to the conference itself.
I just used my iPhone to connecting with LinkedIn and iPad for taking notes,
which worked awesome because it's very convenient, iPad mini.
So you can you can hold it in one hand and note with the pencil another and pro tip just switch to the camera on iPad and take photos of the slides of presentation.
On the slides, you can take notes also.
So that was very useful.
Like I totally recommend iPad mini as a as a conference conference device.
Plus it worked very well.
when I was traveling to the train as my hotspot for my MacBook.
Like I traveled for five and a half hours in train and I was working almost the whole time
and was connected to this hotspot. It took like 50% of battery of iPad. So it's good, good enough.
The iPad, I mean, any iPad, it's superior to any MacBook because it has the LTE connection.
Sorry, man, but it's still true. So and, and the cool thing is that if you use it as a hotspot,
but and turn off the screen, the iPad can last many, many hours as a hotspot. So that's why
even when it's searching for the you know, several connection all the time, especially when you're
in a moving train, especially in the tray when you when when you are moving, like, I took my iPhone
and put it on airplane mode because like, yeah, it's always on the long trip on train or etc.
It always takes too many juice from your iPhone. So yeah, the pro tip is to like put it in airplane
mode because if I have my MacBook connected via hotspot on the iPad, I still have connection so I
still can receive and send iMessage, signal messages, Slack messages or Tusky, Nozbe.
that's fine for connectivity.
Yeah, completely. Still, again, iPad.
Much superior. Internet built-in.
And plus, iPad with magic keyboard takes much less space than MacBook in the train.
So yeah, so for the train, I would say iPad is superior.
For travel, yeah.
All right. Any more tips for us?
Yeah, like I really enjoyed because that was a travel with no hashtag, no car travel.
So it started that I pack myself backpack only.
Of course, I just supposed to write to our Nozbe backpack.
I took a walk to the city bike station, took a bike there and like road two kilometers to
tram stop then I took a tram to the main railway station then I took a train and I didn't reach
Gdynia with a train just I stopped in Gdansk to meet Ola our colleague from work. I actually met
her husband and her dog Pedro. Pedro is the cutest dog ever. Pedro is our actually you know
Nozbe puppet. I mean, whenever there is a meme, there's a Pedro.
Yes. Pedro is the cutest one. And yeah, we ate a nice, nice, nice lunch in Gdansk. And then I
took a quick city ride, which is in Gdansk and so forth, this Tri-City area. And I really like this,
I really like this, this quick, quick, quick ride that you have in Tri-City. And funny thing is that
There are still a lot of old trains there, like renovated.
This EN57 train, which is actually the oldest train still being used in the world, I think,
at this scale. And this class have had the longest production period in the world for electric
multiple units, actually.
All right.
Yeah. And they were made in Wroclaw. And my grandfather worked in the factory there.
I really enjoyed it. So this speedy railway train between the cities was my main way of transport
when I was in high school and then when I was in the college. So that was the... I was using it
every day. I was... Yeah, like many people use it because it's the most effective way of
transportation. Yeah, I mean, you could basically, you know, be on the north part of three cities
and go to the south-west city, the center in 50 minutes, which by car you would never do.
I mean only without any traffic maybe and by breaking every speed limit.
So it was really fast and that with stopping on many stops. So it's very efficient, very fast and
yeah, I used to really enjoy it and this is how I also met one of my best friends because we were
on the same train every day, going to the same university.
So we became best buddies because we met on this train.
So I have really good fond memories.
Also, as you said, you know, carless transport.
I was also beating my records from home
to the train station.
Like, 'cause normally it would be like seven minutes
to get to the train station.
But of course, every morning I would leave very late.
So my record was below two minutes to get the train.
Yeah, so because, you know, if you would miss the train,
you would have to wait 12 minutes for the next one.
So that's what, that was really,
so you didn't want to have this penalty.
- Yeah, 12 minutes is not that bad, actually.
- No, but then you're late for class.
Like if you're going to school, like 12 minutes,
it makes or breaks your, you know.
- I would never take the last possible train.
I always want to have a buffer, but that's just me.
Yeah, I mean, you know, I was waking up in the morning and I was trying to extend my sleep as much as I could.
So now I would take the last possible train always, and I would leave like two minutes before it arrived at the station.
That's why I was always running, but I would always get it.
Maybe once or twice I missed it or something, but normally I wouldn't.
That's good. You can work from home.
Let's wrap up this topic.
The last thing I wanted to mention is Gdynia, this city.
- My hometown.
- Your hometown, actually.
I think that's the only town in Poland
that I can imagine me living in,
besides Blosław, of course, that I currently live in.
Yeah, this is really a nice city.
Like it was built like 100 years ago.
So it's pretty new.
It was built during modernism.
So the urban urban structure of the city is really nice and really the public spaces are
really nice to walk and have many many many trees many green green areas and yeah the
only downside is that it doesn't have trams but you have this quick light well light well
trains so that's cool that's good enough and there were no city bikes yeah because they
was there was some issue because we had city bikes. There was some issue with the company
whatever and I'm sure they're coming back. I don't know when. Yeah they are coming back next year.
Oh you see next year the the contract is already signed and yeah the next one. Oh good. But it was
like so good because it was the I think on Friday it was international day of biking and I didn't
have a bike to ride. I couldn't set up. Yeah, that's true. That's true. No, I couldn't agree
more. I love Gdynia. This is my hometown. This is where I was born. And I still I don't live there
anymore. But I do have an apartment there with my family. And we are actually going to Gdynia for
for July and August with my family. So and we try to do it actually every every year to spend
at least two, three months in Gdynia because we do like our hometown and we do like being back.
Of course, we do like connecting with our family and our friends. So yeah, I like Gdynia because
it's a smallish town of, you know, 300,000 more or less inhabitants and because it's next to the sea,
so and next to the mountain, I mean, hills, let's say hills with woods. So it's, you know, you can
enjoy woods walks in the woods you can enjoy walks on the cliff and you know see them you know
the sea the sea and it's and as and as you said it's a modern-ish town with which is not too big
as well yet if you need something bigger there is times very close and you can go and and have a you
know bigger city life if you want to so yeah overall I do agree Gdynia is a beautiful town
and I do recommend if you want to visit Poland, do visit Warsaw, Wroclaw and Kraków
as the most important things to visit. But if you happen to want to go north,
I would recommend seeing Gdynia in Gdansk.
Yep, that's totally true. And last thing, Gdynia has the best city app in Poland.
Oh, really?
I mean, city app for citizens, because there is one app and you can do like everything related to
to the city there. Actually, the guy who created this app had a backup talk during the conference.
Yeah, and I was amazed.
I don't have that app.
Yeah, you need to install it because it's one app and you have everything there. Because,
for example, in Wozław, I have five many different apps for many things that are city-related.
And here you have everything in one app and it's really convenient.
You can find parking spaces there, train schedules, all the events, cultural events, school things,
et cetera.
There's plenty of them.
And I really enjoyed the talk of the guy from Gdynia.
And yeah, we talked actually after his talk about for 30 minutes about the quality life
in cities.
Yeah, that was really nice.
Okay, so we'll link in the show notes to this app.
So this way we will promote even more that people visit Ktea.
All right, so let's take a break here.
So our Nausby podcast is sponsored by our own app, Nausby, which is a task-based communication
tool that you can use by yourself or together with your team to communicate effectively
in asynchronous way, again, with your teammates or with yourself from the future.
So let's hear what Nozbe customers say about the product.
Once I started using Nozbe, that's when we started to really think beyond like a freelance
mindset to more of a team mindset.
And the beauty of it is that we can have a remote team.
So we could hire people based on their credentials
or based on relationships that we had
and people that we knew would be really good
and didn't have to hire based on location
and somebody that's within a mile radius,
something close to where we were.
It also, Nozbe is very intuitive and easy
for a team to use.
So as we add new people,
whether it's a contractor or an employee to the team,
we can get them set up with Nozbe
and within really an hour,
they can see projects and tasks that are assigned to them
and start working.
So most of our team's really taking those pretty easily.
So Michael, tell me, have you installed iPadOS Beta 16 already?
Yes, but not on my main iPad yet.
Because I am still testing it to testing how stable it is.
So I managed to actually get back my old baby iPad.
So the 9.7 inch iPad Pro, which my mom had
and my mom was here, she's not using it anymore.
So I took it back.
- I think it's still supported
because like I think it's the iPad from 2016,
the spring 2016.
- Yeah, it's still supported.
All iPad Pros are supported.
So even the baby iPad Pro is supported.
And I think even the earlier, you know, 13 inch,
the big beast that they announced earlier is even supported.
So all iPad Pros are supported.
And that's why I got iPad OS 16 on it.
And it works pretty good,
but of course it doesn't have all these features
that M1 iPad Pros have.
So it doesn't have stage manager,
which is for me, this was most important thing to try.
So I will see, I wanna,
my plan is to run two betas on this iPad,
install the apps that I would normally use.
and give them a try and see how they work.
And if everything works correctly,
I am going to pull the plug and install iPad OS 16
on my main iPad.
So I'm gonna be brave, but first I wanna, you know,
be prudent for the first two or three weeks,
but then I'm gonna go all the way
if everything works correctly.
So for example, right now I'm working on some cool shortcuts
for Nozbe, some cool shortcuts for journaling,
I mean, improved journaling shortcuts.
So I want to try all of them on the iPad OS 16 and see how they perform and if there are some issues with the shortcuts and if they're short.
Because for me last year was when shortcuts app was really broken on the betas.
And I was annoyed because I depend on shortcuts a lot.
Yeah actually it was broken even publicly.
Yes yes yes.
Later it was still broken.
- With each release, like dot release,
they really made a lot of fixes.
- Yeah, but that's why I was burned by that.
And I really depend on my shortcuts.
I use so many shortcuts all the time.
For me, working on the iPad means using shortcuts a lot.
That's why I have a few shortcuts to fix,
a few shortcuts to tweak, and I wanna tweak them.
And just one by one, I'm gonna be importing them
to the iPad OS 16 and trying them out.
again, trying the apps that I normally would use to see if they work with iPadOS 16.
And if everything works, also try out Nozbe on iPadOS 16. I will install it today.
So I'm trying all that and I can't wait to actually give a more thorough try with the iPad.
So I'm actually thinking of getting an external screen when I'm in my hometown
to actually have one at home because I don't have one at home
and to be able to test the external screen support with the iPad.
So, yeah, there are things to try and I can't wait.
I am very excited about the iPad OS 16 because of the multitasking
and because of the windowing and all that stuff.
And also because of many new small refinements that they announced on WWDC,
many small refinements to files app, which I use a lot.
And I'm hoping that the iPad OS 16 will be a very big upgrade for me.
Yeah, it looks like this. And normally, even a while ago, I would have been very excited.
Now I have iPad mini and it doesn't have M1 processor, so it doesn't get this state manager,
which is very controversial change. I like the direction they are going, but there are many
details they need to figure out. Yeah, but that's really nice. And I really can't wait even to test
it on MacBook because the stage manager is also available on Mac OS. And I often, there are
situations that I found myself that I can't find the one window. And it's hidden below other
windows. And yeah, and stage manager apparently resolves that problem, but yeah, it may create
other ones so of course we'll see how it works in practice
but yeah i'm excited that they are exploring this this new path and
that it it can work on both mac and ipad yeah i mean you know in my case
i'm using right now um the the m1 macbook air
um to to hooked up to the external screen
but this might change in the future where i just you know hook up
my ipad to the external screen and just use that
So, and then use the MacBook as just a MacBook, you know, a computer that downloads things and just.
- Yeah, you know what would be good to have two external screens, one connected to MacBook,
second to iPad, and then use universal control to control both of them with one set of keyboard
and mouse. - Yeah, yeah, this could be cool. And I'm actually considering getting the,
'cause I have the logic keyboard, but I'm considering getting just the, you know,
the Mac keyboard, the one with Touch ID, so that I have an external keyboard with Touch ID,
which I can use through universal control on both the iPad and the MacBook. So we'll see.
I have some ideas of what to do, but for me right now the most exciting thing is to be able to try
iPadOS 16 on my main computer. So we'll see. And what are the, besides the stage manager,
- Oh no, let's talk more about stage manual
because like that's the one thing we finally know
why they put M1 inside iPad Pro and iPad.
- Yeah, I mean, this is also an answer for me.
'Cause I did something crazy last year.
If you remember, I was considering getting the iPad Pro
256 gigabytes with eight gigabytes of RAM
or pay the money and get the one terabyte with 16 gigabytes of RAM.
And I decided to pay the man and I bought the beefier iPad
and I don't need the one terabyte of space.
I have 256 gigabytes of space there.
So I don't need really that much space.
But I was thinking if I would need more RAM because I want to have more things in RAM
and I'm using the iPad a lot and I was always frustrated when iOS would,
you know, iPad OS would actively kill Windows I was using.
And yeah, so I bought it basically for the future, right?
And apparently now the iPad OS improvements
are helping not only managing the Windows
as in Stage Manager, but also managing the apps
in such that they use virtual memory
and then they use the RAM more and they use more of the RAM.
So this way, it might be that on iPad OS 16,
it might be, we'll see in the future,
that I will have just a bit better experience using it
because of my 16 gigabytes of RAM.
- Yeah, yeah, that's true because now we have
the stage manager plus external display support.
You could have like eight apps open at the same time
or even have some pair of apps to connect it together.
So maybe even more, I'm not sure about it,
but yeah, but still like RAM memory is needed to do this.
Plus you can, you have now the scaling mode, so you can actually change the resolution
of your iPad to have more content.
So the higher resolution that it will also consume some RAM memory.
Yeah, but this is really nice because apparently you can upscale the resolution and in the
stage manager mode, you can have the window that decides that original iPad full screen
app and still have a dock and the apps in stage windows in stage manager view on the side.
That's really nice. And yeah, like finally with this scaling mode, it really makes sense to connect
the iPad to external displays because before if you connected it only some apps like mind maps or
or keynote had this mode for external display support.
And now, and other one, it was just mirrored
on the big display.
It was, everything was to be.
- I mean, for me, external screen for the iPad
was only useful when I was watching YouTube videos
because they would put the YouTube videos in full screen.
But other than that, it was, or any kind of videos.
So if I wanted to watch something on the iPad here
I would just hook it up to the external screen
to just see it on the big screen.
but now it's a completely different ball game.
And so I'm excited about it.
We'll see how this goes.
We'll see how this performs.
I will keep our listeners updated as I struggle
with installing it on my iPad and everything.
So yeah, we'll see.
For me, vacation time, I mean, July and August
will be also lots of vacation time.
So it will be also a good time
to experiment with these things.
So I can just experiment with a bigger screen
and then, you know, like different font sizes,
you know, the new iPadOS.
So we'll see how this goes.
- Okay, what else?
Maybe let's go through some things we like the most
from new features very introduced.
- I mean, for me, another confirmation of the fact
that what we are doing, we are onto something.
So as you know, as you said before the ad,
we are, you know, collaboration tool.
Nozbe is not just getting things done to do up.
It's a to-do app for teams.
It's to-do app to do things together.
And this is actually the main thing.
And we were trying to explain to people
that you are no longer alone.
You need to do things together with other people.
And instead of sending list of tasks back and forth,
you should share a project, like basic thing, right?
Share the task, you know, like share things.
And I think it's the direction where iPadOS and macOS
and all the OSs that they presented are going
is more collaboration.
More collaboration in similar way
that you don't share a copy of your document.
You share a way to edit your document online.
So you collaborate.
And I liked it.
I liked it, it confirmed that we are going
in the right direction.
It confirmed that at least if this becomes a norm for people
they will have it easier to understand what we are doing.
'cause right now people are still struggling to understand
that, you know, what do you mean?
I mean, I have my to-do list.
I have my great app for to-dos
and I don't wanna share it with anyone else.
You know, you have your to-do list
and maybe we'll talk about it later.
Instead of we are working on a to-do list together, right?
So I think for me, this direction that in the OS,
you share things more was exciting
and was just a confirmation.
And that finally you don't have to have a FaceTime call to start
collaboration. Exactly, exactly. You can just do it. You don't have to...
You can communicate via iMessage thread, so asynchronously. So just like...
Yes. Not just like in Nozbe, but asynchronous. So that's the good
direction I had it too. I really liked it too. And of course another feature that I
really liked and something personally dear to me, especially now that we are
starting the summer holidays here on the Northern Hemisphere. Finally, Apple
recognizes that a family actually needs a family photo place.
Before that, the wife would have a different camera
with different iCloud account, the husband would have different iCloud
account, then the kids would have different iCloud accounts.
And then they would share albums but they were not full resolution, they were
kind of cropped or whatever. So it was really clunky. And because of that, you
know, me and my wife, we are still using the same iCloud account on both of our
iPhones. So it's not an intended way to use it, but we use it anyway
because we just prefer to have access to all of our photos. We don't want to be
choosing who's taking pictures today and who's sending them and whatever. And
I'm really happy for this change because hopefully with iOS 16 I will then
configure my wife's iPhone and my iPhone with different iCloud accounts, and then
configure our family album. I mean, the family album.
- Library. - Photo. Exactly. Family shared library.
And this would be awesome, because this is how families should work, and they also introduce some
automatic ways to put things in this library, and I think they're great.
And we'll see how much management it is, because I don't want to have too much
management, because what I appreciate now is I take the picture and I know my wife
have access to this picture. That's it. And we'll see how this works, but I hope it works well.
And this way we will have our shared library and we'll be able to contribute and we'll also be able
to get contributions from our children. So we'll see how this works. But finally recognizing that
families need a common place to put photos in full resolution is great.
Yeah, that's I can't wait as well. Because like with Anya, we find ourselves many times in those
situations when we talk to someone and okay, so talking about subtopics and that we have photos
related to this and we just don't remember. Okay, you took this photo or I took this photo.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, so now if it's in the shirt library now that the problem is gone. So yeah, and speaking
of photos, there are two other features that I really like, but it actually weren't mentioned
in the keynote, but now Photos App can find duplicates in your photos actually, and not
like delete the worst one, but merge them together and even make the photos better.
Ah, very cool.
Very cool.
So that's really nice.
I mean, so many times we take like two, three photos of the same thing, and then it would be nice to have just one, but a very good one.
If you edit some photos in the Photos app, you don't use any third party app because like the edits that are available in the Photos app are good enough for you.
Then you can now copy the edits from one photo and apply them to other photos.
So that's a really nice feature for me.
to have like a template of things you use
or you always use with certain types of photos.
Yeah, cool.
- Another features I like that, yeah,
the new home app and this grouping of categories of devices.
So they finally redesigned this app
because it always took so many taps or swipes
to find the device I want to switch.
And now it should be easier.
and this new lock screen on iPhone and customization
and connection to focus modes,
which maybe finally pushed me to finally embrace
and configure my focus modes
because the barrier of those focus modes
is too big for me and I don't want to spend
the whole Friday on that.
- Yeah, I might want to do that too.
I mean, like finally have the focus modes defined
and when they are defined,
having a different lock screen is a good idea.
So, and different lock screen with different widgets
and everything is a good idea.
So I'm happy about it.
What I'm not happy about is that,
so it's good that iPhone is borrowing things
from the widgets from the watch basically.
So that's great, but I'm not happy
that watch still didn't get the watch faces,
the custom, completely watch faces.
You know, it's like Apple is still, you know,
has a tight control over the watch
and I think they should let it go.
They should let the developers develop watch faces.
this would completely, you know,
I think this would catapult the whole watch community
and environment because people would really,
people have proven over and over
that they need more customization.
That's why the lock screens right now.
So people wanna customize.
And now the possibilities of customizing the Apple Watch
are already big, but with custom watch faces,
that would be just awesome.
And there is no wrong watch face.
If somebody likes a queer Q watch face
or an unaligned watch face or whatever, why not?
If they want it, it's their wrist.
- Yeah, that's true.
Hopefully they will get there.
- Next year is watchOS 10.
So maybe in watchOS 10 they will do the change.
Here's hoping.
- It's like a nice idea.
Okay, so now we speak things we didn't like.
So there is no shortcuts automation for macOS still.
Like it seems like an obvious feature
to introduce to the new macOS Ventura,
but yeah, there is nothing.
So you still have to manually run shortcuts on Mac OS.
Yeah, and speaking of Mac OS,
widgets on Mac OS are still useless.
- Yeah.
- No updates about this.
I'm disappointed about this.
Yeah, and that's it from my list.
- Yeah, and the new Mac Book Air is very pretty.
- Oh yeah, yeah.
Mac Book Air is awesome.
The problem is that I hope that there will be more cores,
like the iMac.
- Yeah.
can understand that MacBook R is a different scale than iMac because
the number of units, the set of MacBook R is far higher than the iMac one.
So maybe with all these problems with logistics in today's world
it would be hard to manage it.
Maybe. I mean, I don't know. They should have done more colors definitely.
And then they should have called it just the MacBook,
not the MacBook Air.
Like I would embrace a new name.
- I think MacBook Air has a better brand.
So just- - Maybe, yeah.
Yeah, so that's it.
And for me, like these were the highlights of the WWDC.
And I also, so additional,
so connected to your part of the show with Product Camp,
what Apple did there was it did a hybrid kind of conference.
So it did invite people over to attend for at least the first day, which was great.
People could still watch the same keynote as we did.
So no change there, but they could still see other people.
They could participate in some live events.
So I think it was great.
And I think maybe next year or I would be tempted to go again to try it out in real life form.
if I would have a chance, but it's still a long travel
and a long way to go.
But I think this hybrid mode of this conference
makes total sense that people,
and that millions of developers can access everything
right then and can have labs virtually and all that stuff.
I actually, next year, I'm planning to attend it more,
this conference, I'm planning to attend also in the labs.
I have quite a few questions to Apple,
so I would use the labs more.
And I would invite our developers also
to try to be more active in that sense.
So I think going forward, this is a way to go,
to make WWDC a hybrid conference,
where some people go and then they have some kind
of live event and some kind of corresponding live events.
But on the other hand, the content and labs
and all that stuff, the Apple engineers,
they are available for everyone,
for everyone who has an Apple developer account.
So I think this is a better way to go
because limiting it to just five or 6,000 people,
it seems a big number,
but when you consider there are
34 million developers registered,
it's just too elitist.
- Yeah, it's just a different type of conference
than ProductCamp, yeah, for this.
- Exactly.
- ProductCamp, like it's very,
I don't see any sense or organizing it online.
But for WWDC, this kind of approach, I think it's an optimal solution.
Yeah, exactly.
Because that's the thing.
Some conferences make sense to do them physically, but some conferences are just too big.
And then you have to do a hybrid thing.
So this way you can make the content and the people accessible to everyone and then they
don't have to travel around the world to be there.
All right.
I think we can wrap up this episode.
So thanks for listening guys and remember we released this episode on Fridays and Friday
so make it Mighty Friday.
Do your weekly review, plan priorities for next week and learn something new to have
a great weekend.
All the links and show notes you can find on
So that's it for today.
Say goodbye Michael.
Yeah, so more information on Fridays and our 4-day work week you can find at
or simply So go there and learn about how to do a weekly review, how to do a mighty Friday properly,
and if you would like to share our idea of working four days a week, let us know, talk to us on Twitter,
and maybe talk to people you know and inspire your boss or your manager to do work differently
and not doing the day-to-day work on Fridays. Good luck with that and
also have a great summer vacation planning and maybe using Nozbe.
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